Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ka Hā O Nā Kūpuna

Ka Hā O Nā Kūpuna

My dear friend and mentor, Koko, has been appearing to Sarah and me quite often lately.

I truly believe this is a good sign!

As we're preparing for October, so many things are happening.

Big changes ...

... all good!

So many wonderful learning experiences have presented themselves these past two years ... even though it's been a "roller-coaster-ride" ... spiritual evolution is always a blessing.

In recent weeks I've been re-connecting with many Hawaiian Kupuna.

When I announced the opening of "The Secret Vault" plan for this Fall, I had NO idea how powerful it is going to be.

"Never cease to be amazed!"

Let me give you another hint of things to come:

Ka Ha O Na Kupuna

The sacred breath of life, the spirit of our ancestors.

Na Kuleana O Hawaii is presenting The Kupuna Tour ... an evening of wisdom and the essence of life.

"Come join us as we share together
in the ways of our forefathers!"

Here is their basic "mission statement."

Ka Hā O Nā Kūpuna

The Hawaiian identity, our unique and precious way of life has been passed on from generation to generation through the ha of our kupuna.

The word “alo-ha” is a combination of two words: alo meaning ones’ front, face, or presence and ha – the sacred breath of life. It was the custom of our kupuna to exchange ha by pressing noses together and exhale, thus exchanging each others’ ha upon greeting.

In Hawai’i still today, breath is considered sacred. As Tutu Elizabeth Pa Chai says, “Breath is important because when God created man He – ha – breathed him into life.”

The sacred breath of life passed on from our ancestors is vibrantly alive in our greatest living treasures and resources: our kupuna still living today. Within them lies the essence of our Hawaiian identity. This sacred ha is what they desperately want to impart to us before it is too late. It is this very breath that sustains us through our language, and our cultural values, world view and beliefs.

The ha of our ancestors also includes the native intelligence, the talents, skills, and abilities that enabled our ancestors to cross thousands of miles of open ocean without navigational instruments; that same kind of intellectual genius enabled them to thrive and flourish in our island home.

We have a right and a responsibility to ensure that the ha of our ancestors live on in us so that our ‘ohana, our families, can once again live, breathe, move and have our being rooted in our Hawaiian identity.

The wealth of knowledge to be imparted by our precious kupuna will nourish our Hawaiian souls; it will be the most precious gift that we have to share with the world.

You can help by contacting and telling 'em Vince sent you!

I got an email from Pali Jae Lee encouraging me to do my part to share Koko's vision with the world. It is beautifully outlined in her book Ho'opono.

She is actively spreading his message of Aloha, but the 'Ohana Paia-Kapela-Willis no longer meets ... they have not met since Koko died.

So ... since Koko hanai'd me, I would be one of the hanai (adopted) member of the 'Ohana Paia-Kapela-Willis, and obligated to do my part to help in any way I can.

Because so much is going on "behind-the-scenes," I may not be posting as often as usual ... but all good things will come to those who wait ;->

Keep studying!


PS - You can get Pali and Koko's books at

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