Sunday, June 18, 2006

Protection for Our Servicemen


What follows is of one of the TMHG's most famous and impressive success stories. The "Wall of Protection" project began in 1951 to protect allied servicemen involved in the Korean conflict.

We are reintroducing this project today.

The Telepathic Mutual Healing Group (TMHG) began its work in 1948 under the direction of Max Freedom Long. It consists of a small group of Huna Research members who are dedi-cated to the healing of those who request help healing of the body, personal problems, and social or financial tangles. The TMHG meets on a regular basis to send healing to those who request it for themselves or for others.

Below are two excerpts from the HRA Bulletins. The first is the original announcement, and the second is the letter explaining the process.

After all was said and done, NOT ONE PERSON on the "Wall of Protection" project's list was killed or seriously injured!
I'll have to check my notes, but I believe one man received a minor injury that ended up saving his life by taking him out of his assigned situation. One soldier was shot 6 times, and the bullets hit his shovel, his weapon, etc., leaving him completely unharmed.

I'll take 100% success anytime!
More information on this and how we are conduction our current project appear in The Huna Research Bulletin.

Keep studying!


© 2006 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD

Here are the 2 excerpts.
HRA Bulletin 46. Pg. 9. January 1, 1951 [Hollywood, California]


Since the fresh outbreak of war, requests have been coming in for special work through the T.M.H.G. to enlist the aid of the Aumakua in building a wall of protection around those who are now actively engaged in conflict, or who may soon be.

The matter of building protection is in no way different from our regular Huna method of working to get the future changed from a possible bad one to a good and desirable one. The kahuna were constantly engaged in the work of bringing about such changes from bad to good on the part of the ones they served. In our work for health or betterment of financial or social conditions, we use the same steps: (1) decide what is wanted, (2) visualize NOTHING but the desired condition, and (3) present this picture with a flow of mana to the Aumakua in the usual prayer-action.

If the one who is now in danger, or who may be in danger later on, can cooperate in this work and make with us the positive picture of protection and the possession of a "charmed life" (as it will actually become), then the best possible results may be expected. If, on the other hand, the person involved cannot, for some reason or other, be told of the method we are using or take part in it, his friends or loved ones may do much without his knowledge. This is a true Service and is designed to help. It is, therefore, under our Huna system of action, entirely good and entirely justified.

In addition to the individual who is actively engaged in the fighting, or who may be, there is a similar need for protection on the part of those whose lives are bound up with his—the wives,
parents, children or others held close in the bonds of love, For these there is a similar need of the carefully-built-up wall of protection. For the soldier we visualize personal safety in body as
well as a happy final outcome and return to civil life. For the ones who remain behind there must be a similar visualization of safety from bodily harm, from breaking mental stresses, and for faith and confidence. The pictured end of the war and its happy outcome and the return to civil life, is the same because it includes the whole of the group within the bounds of mutual love and dependence.

Those who wish to do so are invited to take part in this special branch of the TELEPATHIC MUTUAL HEALING GROUP work, whether or not they are regular HRAs. Also, HRA volunteers are needed for this work.

If possible, I would like to have one or more of us praying in the Huna way on the even hour all through the day and into the night so far as possible. It may be that each volunteer can be provided with the signature of all the ones being held in this way to the Light. This would give the fullest contact via the aka threads and would make the best working conditions. For the present, the list is read and the work carried on through the aka thread connecting the one who requested the prayers and his or her loved ones who are to be surrounded by a stronger and stronger wall of psychic protection.

Write to me if you are interested in any way and either wish to add names to the list or to take an active part. Keep up the prayer- actions for world peace. Keep sending empowering mana.
HRA Bulletin 47. Pg. 2–4, 7-8. January 15, 1951

Open Letter to Participants

[This is a letter about recent discoveries, which have to do with the very latest and most efficient method of making prayers. ]

Dear Friend:

For three years, my friends and I have been experimenting with the methods of prayer found in a recently rediscovered and very ancient system of thought, belief, and practice which had no name, but was always spoken of by the initiates who knew it, as "THE SECRET." The system was based on religious knowledge and psychology. It appears to be the "Strong meat" which Jesus reportedly reserved for his disciples—a secret lore covering the ways of getting miraculous healing results through a certain method of making and delivering prayers.

This letter is for our fighting men and their loved ones. It is to explain in the fewest possible words just how to use the new prayer methods. It is to teach the man endangered in war to pray in the best possible manner for protection from all forms of danger. It is to teach the loved ones at home how to pray for the safety of the ones at the front or on the sea or in the air.

The customary methods of making prayers need not be changed. What they need is to have a few things added to methods now in use. We all know of the miraculous answers to prayer recorded in World Wars I and II. There can be no question about the protection that can be called down by prayer. All that need concern us is the matter of being more CERTAIN that the prayer will get the desired results.

While the ancient system of which I speak was not a part of Christianity—because it was developed and lost long before Jesus lived and taught, there is so much of it thinly hidden in Christian teachings that this presentation can best be made in terms of the New Testament. Of course, it can be applied by people of any faith. Its inner and secret teachings may be found in all great religions if one knows what to look for.

(For those who remain behind while a loved one goes to fight for our liberties, a full account of the ancient system may be found in my book, The Secret Science Behind Miracles, should more complete information be desired.)

• • • • • •

I think that most of you who are new to "THE SECRET" will find little difficulty in under-standing the fact that "As above, so below" applies to the trinity of God in the highest reaches of conscious being, the "Three In One," and, on the other hand, to us who are "created in His own likeness on the human levels of consciousness. Man is made up of three "selves," the conscious mind self, the subconscious mind self and a Superconscious Mind Self, which we know as the Guardian Angel, of which every man, woman and child, without exception, has one. Modern psychology recognizes the first two selves, but is still puzzling over the third, because it is
not something to be taken into the laboratory.

The Guardian Angel or High Self is much older and wiser than the other two selves, being able to see and shape the future. All three selves are going through the school of life. We might say that the subconscious is in the grade school, the conscious self in high school and the High Self in College. Jesus spoke of the High Self as the "Father" and of himself as the "Son." This was a veiling of the secret lore and has not been clearly understood until now. Jesus taught, "The Father and I are one." He disclosed the fact that all the miracles which he performed were made possible by the action of the Father. The secret of why and how was given only to the disciples. Jesus also taught that all prayers to the Highest Being in the Universe, GOD, must be sent through the Father, or in the name of Jesus as ONE WITH THE FATHER, which amounted to the same thing. What I wish to tell you is that in the "SECRET" we have found the how and why of this.
We cannot pray directly to Ultimate God, whose very nature is beyond our comprehension, so we must send cur prayers to our High Self and depend on its greater wisdom to know how to forward them on to the next higher levels of Beings when necessary. (Yes, there are many levels of conscious Beings between the High Self and Ultimate God, and all are triune in their nature. But, because these are quite beyond the reach or comprehension of men, Jesus had little to say of them. He knew that in so far as men were concerned, the thing of greatest impor-tance was that they learn to know and to work with the "Father" High Self.)

That covers the first point in the new way of making prayers. We pray to God as usual, but address our prayers to Him through our own Guardian angel. One may pray to God in the cus-tomary way, asking things in the name of Jesus, or one may address the prayers to the Guardian Angel, asking that they be handed on to any other Higher Being if necessary. It makes little dif-ference to whom our prayers are addressed for the simple reason that all prayers automatically go to the Guardian Angel or Superconscious Self.

The reason for this is that all prayer is sent by telepathy and that the Guardian Angel of each of us is tile only one tuned in to pick up our telepathic prayer message. In the Bible we read of the "silver cord." This is invisible to ordinary sight, but people gifted with psychic sight have often seen silvery cords leading away from the body of a friend. Not only are we naturally tied to our Guardian angel with a strong and unbreakable cord of this kind, but we are tied to loved ones and close friends in a similar way. The threads or cords carry our mental pictures like the wires of a telegraph, our vital force acting as the electricity needed in the process.

In recent years many experiments have been made with telepathy. It has been proven to be a fact at several universities. But a strange thing was observed from the first. Words, which are vocal symbols of things or thoughts, are far more difficult to send telepathically than mental pictures of things or conditions. The eye is the oldest and most highly developed organ of the senses and it seems to play the major part in this matter. And, this being a fact, as all books on telepathy tell us, our prayers are best sent as mental pictures. In other words, one prays best if one holds before his mind's eye a picture of the condition which is desired to be brought about by the Guardian Angel.

For example, one might pray, "Heavenly Father — Guardian Angel — this is the condition I ask that you bring about in the future. It is a condition in which, day and night, in battle and out, I am surrounded by your protection as by a WALL OF LIGHT AND MIGHTY INVISIBLE AND INVINCIBLE POWER."

We do not need to tell the Guardian Angel how to bring about this condition of protection under all circumstances, for it is older and vastly wiser. It knows. But in saying the words we may select to describe the circumstance and the way the protection is given, we help OUR-SELVES make a complete and detailed MENTAL PICTURE of what we desire and, even as we say our prayer, aloud or silently, we send that picture telepathically through the intervening space, large or small, to the Guardian Angel Self, who hovers directly over us at all moments of danger, protecting and directing in a way hard for us to sense, but that is effective to the last de-gree.

One may picture the Guardian Angel as a shining human form, standing above one with arms outstretched in protection, and with the WALL of protective Light and Power falling all around one as a cone. No matter how this is pictured, it carries the telepathic message of what is being asked in the prayer.

On the other hand, one must take great pains NOT to let fear or anxiety cause one to make during prayer a picture of the condition which may be feared, such as death, being wounded or otherwise injured. This is because of a law, which we do not understand because it seems con-trary to the loving action of a Guardian Angel to allow such a picture to form as a reality in the conditions of the individual's future. It is enough to say, in this short exposition of the "SECRET," that each human being has been given the priceless gift of FREE WILL. He is allowed to decide for himself what he will or will not do, and is thus enabled to learn by experience. The Guardian Angels are bound under this law NOT to interfere and to keep hands off of the two lower selves UNLESS their help and guidance and protection are asked for through prayer.

Because of this FREE WILL, which is ours by divine edict, we, as men, blunder along and learn the hard way. We make wars on our fellow men, and often wonder why God allows such things. Knowing of the LAW of FREE WILL, we have the answer to the question.

However, all life is growth, and at some point in his growth, each human being makes the discovery that there is a HIGHER BEING above him which is wiser, kinder, more loving, and more powerful, also that it can be appealed to in prayer and that, when invited, to take a part in his life, can and will do so in a way that seems no less than miraculous.

One is "converted" in terms of Christianity, when one becomes aware of the actuality of the Higher Beings and their yearning love. Often the contrast between his acts and those of the loving and utterly trustworthy Guardian Angel—and even higher Beings—is so great that there follows a strong "conviction of sin" and a turn into better ways. SALVATION comes from the fact of knowing of the Guardian Angel and working with it—in this way giving all three of the triune SELVES the rightful share in living the life of the individual. Change the words Guardian Angel to the words Jesus the Christ and Savior, and you will see how this fits into all Christian teachings.

When one is caught in the wars and other desperate situations brought about by ourselves, because we have used FREE WILL blindly, the "REDEMPTION" comes through the facts that Jesus taught and which the more ancient "SECRET" contained. This teaching is that only when we become aware of the High Self—the Superconscious, the Guardian Angel, the Christ-in-us—and begin to work with it and under its guidance, do we progress as individuals and as nations.

It makes little difference who is right and who wrong when a man is caught in the blind struggle of FREE WILL war and forced to fight—to kill or be killed. All that counts in terms of growth and real progress is that the Higher Beings be recognized and the door opened by prayer to invite them to take their just parts in our lives. It may safely be left to them to adjust the entire matter of right and wrong in war—which is, in any event, something the fighting man is helpless to do anything about. One lives as kindly and humane a life as is possible, while confidently leaving it to Higher Powers to adjust the spiritual values of right and wrong. On all the lower levels of life the strong devour the weak. It cannot be helped. But when we tie ourselves back—which is the literal meaning of the word "religion"—to the higher levels and part of our triune being, we come under the new dispensation where love and kindness hold sway in
vaster worlds.

We have seen how the prayer is to be delivered telepathically to the Guardian Self. Now we must consider a very vital matter, the vital force or electrical life energy, which is the driving force behind the whole mechanism of prayer and its answer. In former years we did not know why hands were laid on those who were to be healed or who were being blessed. We did not know what the "virtue" was that left Jesus when the woman touched his robe and was healed—the "virtue" that he actually felt leave his body. Now, thanks to modern research and to the "SECRET," we know that it was electro-vital force. We know that this force must be present and be put to use in every act of thinking, picturing, and forming plans— even in remembering and dreaming. It is a force which is used by each of the three selves of man, but it is manufactured by the low self in the body, that being one of its jobs. The conscious mind self draws on this supply of vital force to get what it needs for thinking, which is, primarily, its job. And now comes something of great importance. If the Superconscious Self (Guardian Angel) is to have sufficient power to mould future conditions and to do actual protective work of a miraculous nature in response to prayers, IT ALSO MUST BE SUPPLIED WITH A GOODLY AMOUNT OF electro-vital force.

Because we cannot see the Guardian Angel and because it uses a wisdom and skill which we have still to come to know and possess, we have overlooked the need for its part of the vital force drawn from the lower and denser levels of physical living. In modern Psychic Science we have excellent evidence that this is a fact, and in the "SECRET" we have much information, the most important point in which is that the vital force in the hands of the Guardian Angels can make instant changes in physical matter. Instant healing of a broken bone is an example. The broken parts of the actual bone are changed and put back in the former condition. In miracles of healing where parts of the body are changed or restored, it is the same. Always, it is actual physical matter instantly turned to nothing and as often returned to some better original state. In Psychic Science our great investigators have observed under the strictest test conditions the
passage of living animals and men through walls. They have seen metal and stone objects, ice, flowers and insects—endless things—changed to an invisible form and returned to the natural form, usually after being transported from other places and passed through closed doors or walls. (Over a hundred famous men have testified to these things, but because they could not be explained, we have heard little of them in schools or journals. However, all good libraries can furnish pages of testi-mony in scientific verification of the phenomena.)

In Spiritualistic séances under test conditions, scientific studies have shown that so much vital force was taken from the living for this work of changing solid or living objects that the members of the circle and the medium were often left nearly exhausted at the end of the sitting. If the training you have had makes you doubt what is being related, that is of little consequence. The important thing which is to be got across is the basic fact that, if enough vital force is not available to the Guardian Angel, it cannot make changes in the matter on the physical level or shape circumstances except by very slow stages, as vital force can be obtained little by little. In battle instant changes in the material of bullets or shells or flame may be necessary in forming the WALL of protection.

This brings us to the actual methods used as a vital part of prayer to supply this electro-vital force. Ordinarily, a man or woman in normal health has more vital force stored in the body than is needed.

One may suddenly begin to run, and can go on for a short time on the supply already in the body, but if the exertion is to keep up, more must be made in short order. The subcon-scious self will do this, but it may take a few minutes to get the sugar in the blood burning in oxygen and the manufacture of the force going full blast—so that we "get our second wind."

Fortunately, we have but to think strongly that we are making a large extra supply of vital force, and the subconscious will at once set to work to make it. We can test this action of mind by imagining ourselves getting set for a race. As we imagine we are getting set, we will find our bodies tensing and our breath quickening—more vital force being provided. There is another way we can test the amount of vital force stored in our bodies. We do not have to have the modern instruments that measure the force in body and brain in laboratories.

All that is needed is a ring or other bit of material to tie to a bit of thread about four inches long to make a plumb bob or pendulum. Holding the improvised pendulum with about three and one-half inches of thread between object and fingers, it is suspended over the free palm. Give the mental or oral command to the subconscious self to make the pendulum swing to indicate your normal charge of vital force. It will usually swing with a moderate motion. Or you can ask that it swing a number of times, while you count the swings to get the number of the charge. The average number of swings has been found to run between 250 and 350. The swing is usually back-and-forth, but can be circular. Some people may not be able to get a reading, but can be read by a friend, if he holds the pendulum over the palm of the one to be tested. Some are so constituted that the pendulum will not swing for them or will just keep on swinging. That only shows that the low self is not grasping the idea of the test. We all have vital force if we are alive, and can accumulate a sur-charge if we can think, exert the will, and instruct the subconscious self.

The subconscious will learn in surprisingly short order to accumulate a large surcharge of vital force when asked to do so. One may stand with feet spread far apart and arms extended at the sides level with the shoulders. One begins by taking deeper breaths and says or thinks, "I am now accumulating an extra supply of vital force and storing it in my body for use. I am filling myself with the universal life force from toes to the top of my head. I feel it tingling in my hands NOW."

Usually a tingle will be felt in hands or elsewhere in the body. One's sight will become keener and details at a distance will stand out. One will be more alert mentally and able to re-member or to memorize faster. One will be able to solve mental problems with numbers faster and more accurately. There are many indications. One will feel better, throw off depression, and overcome fear or nervousness. The pendulum test is very good, however, as it is something all may see. After trying to accumulate a surcharge, say for two or three minutes, make the pendulum test as before and see how much stronger the swing is or how many more times it swings while you are counting.

When the tests show that one can quickly accumulate a surcharge of vital force, practice at making a complete, effective, and powerful prayer-action should very quickly show results.
The prayer steps are these:

(1) Decide what you want to ask for and try making a clear and complete mental picture of it. When that is done,
(2) accumulate a surcharge of vital force as instructed above. There is no need to test its strength once you have learned the knack.
(3) Pray to your Guardian Angel or to whomever you are accustomed to pray (all prayers go to the same place in any case), and as you ask for a condition to be brought about, picture it in your mind and describe it in words to help yourself make the picture. This picture will go telepathically to the Guardian Angel.
(4) Say, "I am now sending to you, my Father Guardian Self, a large supply of vital force. Accept it and cleanse it. Use it as you see fit for your own purposes and to bring about the conditions I ask for and picture n my mind. Use the pictures as seeds. Use the life force I send to make them grow into material conditions on this level soon. This sending of force and holding of the mental pic-ture may go on for a minute or more. Each person soon senses the length of time best suited for his own prayer-actions.
(5) Give thanks that the desired condition has already been made a reality in the invisible and is soon to appear in the visible. Word your thanks and feel your joy, while you make a gleaming mental picture of your own joyful face filled with gratitude. This emotion of gratitude and joy is very important, since it is something in which the subconscious self takes part and finds a form of expression. If one feels a stir of emotion, that is the sure sign that the subconscious self is doing its full part in making the prayer and sending the telepathic pictures and vital force that must go to the Guardian Self.
(6) Say "Amen," and end your prayer in orderly manner. Let go of it mentally and be confident that it has been properly made and will be answered. This confidence "having faith." Expect to see the conditions requested come about and refuse to imagine the contrary as happening.

The prayer action may be repeated after a few minutes of rest and relaxation in mind, if not in body. Even in action one may soon be able to accumulate a surcharge and make a prayer-action swiftly. The Catholics learned long since that by praying for something every hour for a day or more (a "novena" or nine-day rite), answers were best obtained. Now we know that all depends on how much vital force can be accumulated and supplied to the Guardian Self to use in building the answer to the prayer—in bringing about the condition requested on this material level of life and action.

The secret behind all offerings in religion is that one must offer his own vital force. "Offer yourself, a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable, etc.," as we read in the veiled words of the Bible. This vital force, when in the bands of the Guardian Father Self, is the "Light," and often one sees a spread of the whitest imaginable light behind one's eyelids when praying. It is the "Water of Life" also, and has been hidden in symbols all down the centuries from the time when, in the far, dim past, the ancestors of the human race came to know the inner secrets of the relation of the three selves of man— the relation of man to God through the Father.

• • • • • •
Those who can overcome their natural shyness in speaking to friends of such matters as this can benefit greatly by joining others in making the same general prayer, such as a prayer for the safety of the squad. Once such a prayer has been discussed and a picture of the desired condition agreed upon, several men may join and silently go through the steps of the prayer while one act-ing as leader speaks aloud the words of the prayer, in which the picture is described and the request is made for it to be brought about. The wording is not important but the picture made by all in the group must be as nearly the same as possible. In this way, the joined power of the Guardian Angels of the men of the group is shared in such a way that it can be focused in its entirety for the protection of any one in the group who may momentarily be in the path of danger. There is great truth in the "Where two are gathered in my name," and with numbers the power increases proportionately. A sincere chaplain of any faith should be able to lead this form of prayer, if he is not blinded to the truth behind the newly uncovered "SECRET" method. The new way of prayer can be used in addition to any other religious observance or apart from it. It is fitted to men of any faith or of little or no religious background.

A great service can be done a friend who may not readily grasp the idea of how to make this type of prayer for himself. You may pray for him effectively, but one thing he must do for himself to the best of his ability, however slight, and this is to ask in whatever prayer he can make, that the Guardian Angel Self watching over him take a hand in his life and help in whatever way is seen best. This is the step needed under what seems to be the ironclad law of allowing the fullness of experience under FREE WILL. This is opening the door and inviting help. If the individ-ual will request that help as best he can, his friends or loved ones at home may pray through their own Guardian Selves to HIS, asking for a WALL of protection in exactly the same way as for themselves. In this way the man for whom prayer is strange or difficult may be brought into the group where his Guardian can work with the others, share the accumulating supply of vital force and use it for the good f all. Pray even for a man who gives reluctant consent to being prayed for. It may work miracles for him, and if he is one of your squad, prayers for him may keep the entire squad from being touched.

Those at home can also pray, and in the same way. Distance means nothing in telepathic contact, and prayer for another makes the basic thing, "church," to multiply power. Frequent prayer gets best results. Five times a day is the way the Moslems advise us to pray.

In emergencies we may pray almost "constantly," as is advised in the Bible at one place, or "without ceas-ing." Any who wish to have prayer-actions made with and for them, may send in their name to me, Max Freedom Long, 126 Camellia Dr., Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63703.
There are a number in our H.R.A. organization, who will be praying for your safety on the hour at almost any hour of the day and far into the night. You fight for us, we'll pray for you. Any person who will pray for himself will be eligible as a part in our circle of prayer. This includes the wounded who are asking for healing.
Max Freedom Long, for H.R.A.

[HRA Bulletin 51. Pg. 4 (+1-6). March 15, 1951]

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