12 Weeks to Mastering The Secret
Science Behind Miracles™Letters on Huna:
A Course in the Fundamentals of Huna Psychology
by Dr. E. Otha Wingo
Best-Seller since 1972
Regularly $65 ...
NOW only $49
The Course emphasizes the practical application of Huna in everyday life and contains ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW to make the Huna system work for you.
CONTENTS:1 - What is "secret" about Huna.
Regular price $65
2 - The Three Selves, the Invisible Pattern, and the Force behind Huna.
4 - How to use Mana (Vital Force). Using the pendulum. Physical Stimulus. Recharging the Batteries.
5 - Basis of the Huna Prayer-Action. What's NEW in Huna. Changing the Future.
6 - For What May We Ask? Visualization. Serve to Deserve. Summary.
7 - Review. The Time Element. Huna's Great Secret.
8 - Unblocking the Aka Cord. The Hurtless Life. The "Twinge" method. Renegade Memories.
9 - Kala or CLEANSING.
10 - Designing the Thought-Form Picture for Results.
11 - The Nature of the Three Selves. "Direct Dialing."
"Thank you for this information. I have one of the original
Huna courses, it's been enjoyed when first received and
each time it's been replayed since then. It has certainly
made quite a difference in my life and I sincerely thank
you for making this available and I definitely recommend it
to others as highly beneficial. Best regards!"
-- Joan Mills (Alberta, Canada)
I received the Ho'Oponopono booklet (the free one) and Lesson #1. I did the breathing and prayers in the parking lot while my car was being repaired (in a green meadow looking at the mountains) and THE SAME DAY a major issue that has caused severe pain and stress around my life for five years had the first signs of relief and cooperation! I had prayed before a million times and never got ANY result! I can't wait to do Lesson #2 and practice Huna in other areas of my life. Thank you for making this available and affordable! I wish I could afford to go to MO in October and learn from others face-to-face!!!
Mary Lynn
Blairsville, GA - USA
I am new to this group. I am Debra and am living in Savannah, GA. I learned about Huna while reading Long's Pyschometric Analysis. I was interested in learning how to use the pendulum to learn about people's characteristics. I then read Secret Science..... I am interested in joining with those who are establishing world peace and order. Need I say that I have tried all other venues. This (Huna) makes sense and actually has worked for me already even tho I am just getting started. My first major goal is to learn the proper mantra and prayer for healing my vision. I have alway believed that I would be healed and now I have found the true method for that healing.
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